They let you explore your fantasies in a safe way

Sex toys are great. They can be fun to use, they can help you find your G-spot, and they let you explore your fantasies in a safe way. But there's one thing that is not so fun: cleaning them. We know, we know—it's not exactly the most fun part of owning a sex toy. But it's also not as hard as you might think! Here's how to clean sex toys: Step 1: Remove batteries or remove power source from your toy. (If it comes with a power source.) If it doesn't, follow the instructions on the box or read the instructions that came with your toy. Step 2: Clean any silicone toys first with soap and water; then clean them with an antibacterial toy cleaner (like this one) and rinse thoroughly. If you have a silicone lubricant, use it to lubricate the toy and then clean it off with soap and water before using another antibacterial toy cleaner to rinse it off again thoroughly—this helps make sure there aren't any leftover oils in your toys so they don't become sticky over time or ruin condoms when used during intercourse. Step 3: Clean all other kinds of sex toys.



The Three Benefits Using Women Sex Toys

Lovevib a new line of luxury sex toys for wome

Vibrators are one of the most popular and well-known sex toys