Cleaning sex toys is important because it keeps things safe

Cleaning sex toys is important because it keeps things safe and helps the toy last longer. It's also important because sex toys are usually made of porous materials, which means that they can harbor bacteria even if you clean them regularly. If you don't clean your toys properly—or if you don't at all—you could end up with an infection or other health problems. (We don't want that!) Here are a few simple tips for cleaning your toys: 1. Make sure you're using the right materials. Sex toys can be cleaned with soap and water, but they shouldn't be boiled or soaked in bleach or any kind of harsh chemicals (like alcohol). The best way to clean them is by using warm water and mild soap (like hand soap) on their surface; then rinse them off thoroughly with warm water again before drying them with a dry cloth or paper towel. This will keep your rose vibrator safe from germs as well as potential damage to its internal mechanics due to exposure to harsh chemicals like bleach or alcohol. 2. Clean your toys after every use! It may seem like overkill, but keeping your toy clean after each use ensures that there's no chance it will become contaminated



The Three Benefits Using Women Sex Toys

Lovevib a new line of luxury sex toys for wome

Vibrators are one of the most popular and well-known sex toys